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A List of Papers Accepted to the Academic Research Track

Full Papers

1. Randomness for Randomness Testing

    Daniel Berend, Shlomi Dolev, and Manish Kumar


2. Non-Stopping Junctions via Traffic Scheduling

    Shlomi Dolev, Ehud Gudes, Hannah Yair


3. Faster Post-Quantum TLS Handshakes Without Intermediate CA Certificates

    Panos Kampanakis and Michael Kallitsis


4. Monitoring Time Series with Missing Values: A Deep Bayesian Approach

    Oshri Barazani and David Tolpin


5. Etherless Ethereum Tokens: Simulating Native Tokens in Ethereum

    John Andrews, Michele Ciampi, and Vassilis Zikas


6. Simulating a Coupon Collector

    Dina Barak-Pelleg and Daniel Berend


7. Timing Leakage Analysis of Non-Constant-Time NTT Implementations with Harvey Butterflies

    Nir Drucker and Tomer Pelleg


8. Machine-Learning Based Objective Function Selection for Community Detection

    Asa Bornstein, Amir Rubin, and Danny Hendler


9.  A Linear-Time 2-Party Secure Merge Protocol

     Rohit Nema, Brett Falk and Rafail Ostrovsky


10. Time, Memory and Accuracy Tradeoffs in Side-Channel Trace Profiling

      Hen Hayoon and Yossi Oren


11. Predicting the Direction of Changes in the Values of Time Series for Relatively Small Training  Samples

      Sergey Frenkel


12. Differentially-Private "Draw and Discard" Machine Learning: Training Distributed Models from Enormous          Crowds

      Vasyl Pihur, Moti Yung and Aleksandra Korolova


13. Design of Intrusion Detection System Based on Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) Using Information Gain            Ratio

      Sneha Chauhan and Sugata Gangopadhyay


14. Blind Rotation in Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Extended Keys

      Marc Joye and Pascal Paillier


15. Union Buster: A Cross-Container Covert-Channel Exploiting Union Mounting

      Novak Boskov, Noar Radami, Trishita Tiwari and Ari Trachtenberg


16. A Heuristic Framework to search for Approximate Mutually Unbiased Bases

      Sreejit Chaudhury, Ajeet Kumar, Subhamoy Maitra, Somjit Roy and Sourav Sen Gupta


17. Transfer Learning for Time Series Classification Using Synthetic Data Generation

      Yarden Rotem, Nathaniel Shimoni, Lior Rokach and Bracha Shapira 


18. FairMM: A Fast and Frontrunning-Resistant Crypto Market-Maker

      Michele Ciampi, Muhammad Ishaq, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Rafail Ostrovsky and Vassilis Zikas


19. Reinforcement Based User Scheduling for Cellular Communications

      Nimrod Gradus, Asaf Cohen, Erez Biton, and Omer Gurwitz


20. Mutual Accountability Layer: Accountable Anonymity within Accountable Trust

      Vanesa Daza, Abida Haque, Alessandra Scafuro, Alexandros Zacharakis and Arantxa Zapico​


21. In-App Cryptographically-Enforced Selective Access Control for Microsoft Office and Similar Platforms

      Karim Eldefrawy, Tancrède Lepoint and Laura Tam


22. Auditable, Available and Resilient Private Computation on the Blockchain via MPC

     Christopher Cordi, Michael P. Frank, Kasimir Gabert, Carollan Helinski, Ryan C, Kao,

     Vladimir Kolsesnikov, Abrahim Ladha and Nicholas Pattengale


23. Botnet Attack Identification Based on SDN

      Dimiter Avresky and Dobrin Dobrev


24. Counter Mode for Long Messages and a Long Nonce

      Shay Gueron

Short Papers
1. On the Undecidability of the Panopticon Detection Problem 
    Yannis Stamatiou, Vasiliki Liagkou, Panagiotis Nastou, and Paul Spirakis

2. Privacy Preserving Solution of DCOPs by Mediation
    Pablo Kogan, Tamir Tassa, and Tal Grinshpoun

3. Privacy-Preserving Contrastive Explanations with Local Foil Trees
    Thijs Veugen, Bart Kamphorst, and Michiel Marcus

4. Predicting Subscriber Usage: Analyzing Multidimensional Time-Series Using Convolutional Neural         

    Benjamin Azaria and Lee-Ad Gottlieb

5. Setting Up an Anonymous Gesture Database as well as Enhancing it with a Verbal Script Simulator for   
    Rehabilitation Applications

    Yoram Segal and Ofer Hadar

6. Smart Cybercrime Classification for Digital Forensics with Small Datasets
    Isfaque Al Kaderi Tuhin, Peter Loh and Zhengkui Wang

7. Enhancing Cybersecurity of Satellites at Sub-THz Band
    Rajnish Kumar and Shlomi Arnon

8. Detecting Clickbait in Online Social Media: You Won't Believe How We Did It
    Aviad Elyashar, Jorge Bendahan and Rami Puzis

9. Fake News Detection in Social Networks using Machine Learning and Trust
    Nadav Voloch, Ehud Gudes, Nurit Gal-Oz, Rotem Mitrany, Ofri Shani and Maayan Shoel

10. BFLUT Bloom Filter for Private Look Up Tables
      Shlomi Dolev, Ehud Gudes, Erez Segev, Jeffery Ullman and Grisha Weintraub

11. Polynomial Approximation of Inverse sqrt Function for FHE
      Samanvaya Panda

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